Mind & Matters

Understanding the hearts and minds of Kiwis.


Monthly insights designed to help you better understand public sentiment, from macro trends to behaviours and attitudes towards key interest areas. Brought to you by Perceptive and Sapien Research.



Key findings

Top level insights from the report

Hope and optimism are returning (+2% on February).


More New Zealanders are cutting back on spending (6% increase in March). 

Cost of living

Personal financial situation remains #1 factor impacting households and has risen to 52% (+4% since February). 


This month's insights

Released 18 April 2024

Uptick in hope and optimism but long-term outlook remains negative

Positive emotions are starting to creep back up for New Zealanders as hope and optimism both increased by 2% since February. Alongside these positive emotions is a corresponding decline in New Zealanders feeling anxious (-2% since February). 

  • Hopeful: after a downward trend since December, it has now increased back to 46%. 
  • Stressed: peaked in December, followed by a 7% decrease in January. However, it has increased 4% since January.  
  • Optimistic: peaked in January, which was followed by a 6% decrease in February. However, it is creeping back up with a 2% increase in March. 
  • Motivated: dropped by 4% in February, followed by a slight increase in March (1%). 
  • Anxious: dropped by 2% in March. 



When looking at the differences between males and females, females are still more likely to have experienced negative emotions than men (82% of women versus 63% of men indicated a negative in March). Similarly, those aged between 30-39 are most likely to express a negative (79% in March) and to have felt stressed and angry (59% and 30% respectively). On the other hand, those over 65 years old remain the most likely to have experienced positive emotions (77% in March) and are most likely to feel optimistic (51%). 


More New Zealanders are expecting things to get worse

Looking forward to the next 12 months, most New Zealanders expect things to stay the same (47% March). However, the proportion of New Zealanders who expect things to get worse has increased by 2% since February, corresponding with a 2% decrease in those who expect things to get better. 


Those aged under 40 are more likely to believe things will improve (48% in March). In contrast, those aged over 60 are the most likely to believe things will get worse (25% in March).


Wrong direction sentiment is trending up

Most New Zealanders feel the country is heading towards the wrong direction (57%), corresponding with a 3% decrease in the proportion of those who think it’s going in the right direction. Those in the North Island continue being more positive than those in the South Island (45% right direction compared to 33% South Island). This negative feeling is also still strongest among females (62% versus 48% males) and those who are single and living alone/with friends. 


These findings echo recent opinion polls1 around support for the current Government, indicating the new Government honeymoon period is over and people are less positive about them now. 


New Zealanders' personal financial situation remains #1 impact on NZ households 

In March, the three main factors that have affected New Zealanders’ households the most remained the same, and have all increased since February: 

  1. Your financial situation (52%) — up by 4% 
  2. The New Zealand economy (47%) — up by 3% 
  3. The New Zealand healthcare system (38%) — up by 2%



Kiwis are shifting from being money conscious to actively cutting back

As financial and economic conditions have grown tougher in the last year, we've seen New Zealanders become increasingly conscious of their spending. However, March saw this cautious mindset begin to shift to more direct action with a 6% increase in the proportion of New Zealanders who are cutting back on their spending. This corresponded with a 5% decrease in the proportion of those who are conscious of spending.



This may go some way to explaining why New Zealanders’ financial situation continues to be the number one factor impacting their households, followed by the NZ economy. 



1. Kitchen, R. 'New pool shows drop in support for National and ACT', The Post, www.thepost.co.nz, 9 April 2024.

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About this tracker


What is Mind & Matters?

Mind & Matters is designed to help business and leaders better understand public sentiment. From macro trends to behaviours and attitudes towards key interest areas, such as such as job security, personal finance, mental health, the environment and more, Mind & Matters is your comprehensive check-in on the state-of-mind of the New Zealand public.


Why we're running this tracker?

In April 2020, in the midst of a pandemic lockdown, Perceptive and Sapien built the first Covid-19 Tracker to help businesses and leaders better understand the hearts and minds of Kiwis as we experienced this unprecedented event.

Fast forward to 2023 and the world—and New Zealand—continues to experience change on multiple fronts, from rising inflation to the rise of eCommerce and generative AI. With this in mind, Perceptive and Sapien have taken the best of our Covid-19 tracker produce this comprehensive tracker that explores what Kiwis think, feel and believe in relation to some of the most topical and challenging issues of today.


How often will Mind & Matters be released?

Mind & Matters releases its findings online every month. To ensure you don't miss a release, subscribe to Mind & Matters and have updates sent straight to your inbox.
