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How to increase your Net Promoter Score in 6 easy steps

Posted by Tomas Dickson - 03 July, 2017

If you want to increase your Net Promoter Score (NPS®), you need to consistently deliver high quality products and services and—naturally—an excellent customer experience. But how do you actually do this; what are the practical steps? In this blog we've collated five of the most effective ways to increase the likelihood of customers recommending your products or services.

1. Leadership buy-in

The following strategies are all highly effective, especially in combination. However, don't forget that simply measuring your business' net promoter score percentage is not enough in itself to create any worthwhile value. NPS and the value that can be derived from it needs to be a part of the organisation’s whole business strategy and have senior leadership buy-in.

Simply measuring your business' NPS score is not enough in itself to create any worthwhile value.

If the leadership team doesn't buy into the premise of NPS, it will be hard for any department or individual employee to get any support in adopting the system cross-functionally. What's more, as NPS is likely to affect every part of the business, it will be hard to action any feedback that comes out of the surveys and implement this across the business.


2. Instant closed-loop reporting

This ties into the above, in that the whole company needs to be onboard. Employees who are customer-facing need to be able to rely on the of the wider organisation–including specialist divisions such as sales, logistics, engineering–to help them investigate, resolve and respond to negative customer feedback as quickly as possible. 

It's not enough to receive customer feedback—it needs to be actioned, and fast.


Related content: How to Calculate NPS


3. Track your NPS regularly

Regular (daily or weekly), tracking of your NPS score does more for your business than any other measure. Having continuous insight into how your customer feedback is tracking means that you will be more aware and accountable than ever. By regular tracking, you’ll ensure you can catch any issues before they snowball.

If they’re unhappy, you only have a small window to rectify the issue and turn them into a promoter

If you’re using NPS for staff KPIs, you can actively measure your team by creating weekly targets at a team or agent level to drive progress. Follow up immediately with disgruntled customers. If they’re unhappy, you only have a small window to rectify the issue and turn them into a promoter—so if you only check your surveys every month, this may be too late.


4. Properly analyse your data

NPS is so powerful because of its simplicity. However, the data still needs to be analysed in a way that the business correctly understands what exactly is causing people to fall into either the “detractor’ or “promoter” category. You will want to find customer trends and patterns by reading all of your customer comments, tagging them and putting them into relevant categories.


Read more: Are you making these 4 common NPS mistakes?


5. Just ask

Simply ask your promoters how you can be even better—they will tell you. Create a forum where you invite your promoters to share their feedback, which may spur new ideas and enable you to develop minor tweaks in the short term. Meanwhile, this will also get the insights you need to improve your products and services in the long term.


6. Dig deeper

To improve your customer experience overall, go beyond just measuring your NPS. Trigger targeted customer surveys at key touch-points with your advanced survey management system. It’s especially effective after customer events such as purchases and website visits. Your NPS can increase by making your surveys more targeted and focused, as this means your customer feedback will be better.


How does your NPS measure up against your industry average? Download our free benchmark reports for New Zealand and Australia to find out!

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